because it came after the month of July named after his granduncle, adopted father, and predecessor, Julius Caesar and because of several fortunate events that occurred in his life during this month the B;an earlier time setting The widely recognized term was a 20thcentury neologism, and a portmanteau from pre Latin for quotbeforequot and sequel a supplementing work with a setting later than its predecessor#39;On the other hand, Mr Obama is, as his predecessor put it, the decider 跟读 另一方面,就像他的前任布什总统所说,奥巴马先生是决定者 2The world number three looked in good form as;1应为put many efforts 2hesitate asking是不好意思提问的意思,虚心请教用“consult in an open mindquot比较合适所以第一句的第二并列部分宜改为and always consulted with predecessor in an open mind3apply是。
“重蹈覆辙” 比喻不吸取失败的教训, 重犯过去的错误,英语可翻译如下~follow the tracks of an overthrown chariot ~share the fate of its predecessor fall into a rut ~follow the same old disastrous road;紧前活动的英文是Immediate Predecessor,有时也会被译为直接先趋块或者紧接前项活动,通常指正在进行的某项活动前的先决活动,在逻辑上有非常严格的先后次序例如,你必须在铲平土壤先行活动之后才能开始播种后继活动;predecessor matrix前趋矩阵preview matrix预看混合, 预看矩阵price matrix价格矩阵primary rational matrix准素有理矩阵prime primitive matrix素矩阵primitive connection matrix原始联络矩阵principal matrix主矩阵product matrix积矩阵;就计算机领域中,就是前驱和后继的意思,直接前驱和直接后续,缩写pred和succ。
指的是每个活动的关系,包括开始开始,结束结束,开始结束和结束开始四种;operating company 营业公司, 自营公司 company 5kQmpEnin一群, 一队 交往的人 客人 同伴, 陪伴 交际, 交往 公司, 商号 军连 全体船员 聚会, 集会, 社团 in the company of 在陪同下 He。
selfimprovement 英 #716self #618m#712pru#720vm#601nt 美 #716self #618m#712pru#720vm#601ntn在知识地位性格等方面的自我改进,自我提高 例句The manual is;predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r美#712pred#601ses#601rn前任,前辈原有事物,前身古祖先 例句Lefkofsky had some stern words for his cofounder and predecessor quot莱夫科;4 He has never exhibited the selfconfidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor他从未表现出他前任的那种近乎傲慢的自信5 He waited until all the luggage was cleared, but Paula#39s never appeared;美 #39selfr#618#39flek#643#601nn反省 网 络自我反省自省自我反思自我反映 派生词selfreflective 1 He has never exhibited the selfconfidence, bordering on arrogance, of his predecessor他。
旋流片,涡流盘例句1Apple said the new imac measures just 5 millimeters in thickness, takes up 40% lessspace than its predecessor and comes with a new storage device that combines aspinning disk with。
Predecessor 前任者 指前拥有此工作或办公室的人前辈 原有事物,前身Predecessor 用法的双语例句The new governor dismissed the staff that served his predecessor新州长将前任州长的职员全部解雇Ex ex。
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