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It sounds risky, but in fact cyclists might be doing their best in the face of poorly designed traffic laws, Alex Marshall writes on Streetsblog, which advocates more pedestrianfriendly streets Making cyclists stop at;Might be a little risky, might be a little soon 可能有些风险,可能有些快 It shouldn’t have to matter I just wanna be with you 这都没关系,我只想要和你在一起 feel#39s right can#39t be wrong 这感觉;提到冒险,一般人会想到用 quotIt’s riskyquot 或 quotIt’s dangerousquot 但是囗语上美国人喜欢说 quotI’m going out on a limbquot来表示这件事需要冒险“limb”原意是指树枝,想象当你爬树时爬到小树枝上去了,你是不是;It would be unusual, I think, for the comparative or superlative to be formed with more or most in these examples However, in your example, Kim, with risky, both patterns appear possible It may be the;PhD, AAA#39s Director of Traffic Safety Policy quotCrashes happen frequently in parking lots and have the potential to be quite dangerous, particularly for pedestriansquotThey can be so risky, in fact, that t。


例句1银行贷出了太多现在无法偿还的风险贷款,而且他们在房地产业做了投机买卖,其价值目前也已经下跌The banks made too many risky loans which now can#39t be repaid,and they speculated in property whose value;这件事情会很冒险,但是我们无论如何还是要改变它;It may be risky but we will chance it anyhow 这可能有危险, 但我们无论如何要冒一冒险We#39ll have to chance meeting an enemy patrol 我们不得不冒著可能遇上敌人巡逻兵的危险语法用法 n名词chance作“;真不知道如何应对copeI never experienced such a situation ,I really don#39t know how to cope with it15消防人员的工作有时可能会十分危险riskyFiremen#39s work can be very risky sometimes。

这个设备本来就可能存在问题,请告知如何处理由于比较紧急,是否可以先寄过去It#39s said that the transformer is burnt during a powerswitching experiment in a flightThis equipment is supposed to be risky original;Banks soon started to favour business that was profitable ie, risky but which, under Basel 1’s crude definitions, escaped the appropriate capital charges As the banks adapted to Basel 1, so the rules became less;2Assets can fluctuate greatly in price and not be risky as long as they are reasonably certain to deliver increased purchasing power over their holding period资产价格可能大幅波动,但只要有理由肯定投资期满后;有这么一个模特机构是给那些看上去一般甚至丑陋得人设立的吗JILL SEARLE 知道这个答案是肯定的,因为她自从1969年就在运营一个丑模特造型公司她的想法是给人们看到更像真人的模特在时装模特的世界里,他们似乎格格不入。


13 It may be risky but we will chance it anyhow这可能有危险,但我们无论如何要冒一冒险14 I would give my ears to have a try我无论如何得试一试15 It#39should be done for anything and everything;Hater block a song lookin like a top model If you#39re tryna go all theway tonight Boy it#39s just your luck, I#39ll treat you right If you#39re tryna be risky tonight I ain#39t gonna leave without you to。

If you make a risky investment you may lose a lot of money如果你冒险投资,你可能会损失很多钱Meeting someone on the internet can be very risky, so be careful在网上认识某人是很危险的,所以要小心;车只是代步的交通工具你女朋友太装了,那你直接说我现在还没有驾照,等我考到驾照我开着车来接你吧生活中处处可以看见有豪车的人但有豪车的人也是注重环保的人,如果地段不允许停车的情况下,宁愿踩个自行车去。



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