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1、The great wall 是长城的意思单词解析一great 英 gre#618t 美 ɡretadj伟大的,杰出的优异的,显著的很多的重大的 adv口语很好地令人满意地,成功地,顺利地得意地 1The room had。

2、“长城”的英文是The Great Wall用英式音标发音读作#240#601#240i gre#618t w#596#720l用美式音标发音读作#240#601#240i ɡret w#596lin the。

3、the Great Wall是专有名词,指的是中国的长城。

4、the Great Wall长城 万里长城 例句1Can astronauts see the great wall from space? 宇航员能从太空中看见长城吗 2Why can#39t you see the great wall from space? 那为什么我们在太空中看不见长城呢。

5、城墙是 city wall,长城就是放大了 city wall,它不仅长,而且还又高大又厚实,用 long 翻译突出不了这种特点,所以就译作 the Great Wall形体上特别大的墙。


6、Wall是“墙”的意思,长城原来是始皇为了防止受到侵略而修建的巨大城墙,Great有“伟大的”“宏大的”意思,符合长城的气势长城独一无二,便加定冠词“The”由此可说明为什么外国人将长城称为“The Great Wall”。

7、If you come to China without climbing The Great Wall,just as well as you come to Paris without visiting The Iron Tower, come to Egypt without visiting The pyramids!是的,这说的就是长城中国的长城是人类文。

8、The Great Wall Yeah, it is about the Great Wall The Great Wall is one of the wonders of the world that created by human being! If you come to China without climbing The Great Wall,just as well as。

9、Great wall是长城的意思,而长城是中国独一无二的风景,而不定冠词the是放在一些独一无二的东西前面的,所以Great wall 前面要加the。

10、the Great Wall 长城 例句1Can astronauts see the great wall from space?宇航员能从太空中看见长城吗2As long as the great wall长的有万里长城那么长。

11、篇一关于长城的英语作文Today, we visited the worldfamous ancient miracle the Great WallThe Great Wall is the symbol of the Chinese nation, it stretches for more than twelve thousand, is one of。

12、Chinese usually saying goes like that,quotyou are not a real hero until you have climbed the Great WallquotThe Great Wall,one of the greatest wonders of the world,was enlisted in the World Heritage in 1987。

13、quotThe Great Wallquot为题的英语作文There are many great walls in China, such as Badaling Great Wall, Jinshanling Great Wall, Mutianyu Great Wall, Simatai Great Wall and Gubeikou Great WallMy favorite is the。


14、the Great wall 中的the在专有名词中,放在句首时要大写在句中不用大写。

15、你好,the great wall 泛指长城,也就是一般意义上的长城,一般是指的现存的清长城而the ming great wall一般特指明长城清长城是在明长城的基础之上翻新加固的,但有些地方的明长城已成遗址或已经不复存在,取而代之。



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