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1、“参加社团和协会以及学生会”翻译成英文是Participate in associations and student unions。

2、13 What do you feel is the role of unions?你认为工会的任务及职责是什么14Why do you want to leave your previous employer?你为什么想要离开前一个老板晕终于翻完了,这是哪种性质的工作啊对于。

3、trade unions 是工会的意思,看语境了,英汉大辞典的解释 A trade union is an organization that represents the rights and interests of workers to their employers 有贸易联盟的意思,代表工人们的权益 希望对你有帮助。

4、Bloomberg has had a less cordial relationship with unions as mayor作为市长,Loomberg与工会的关系不那么友好Jordan was satisfied, and the two have developed a cordial relationship乔丹很满意,两人建立了亲切的关系。

5、二释义1n耽搁延迟,拖延被耽搁或推迟的时间 The laws led to confusion, muddle and years of delay这些法律导致了困惑混乱和数年的耽搁2vt耽搁延期,推迟 This decree obliges unions to delay。

6、American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees AFSCME One of the few unions that grew in the 1970s, a union of public employees美国州县和市政工人联合会这是二十世纪七十年代成长起来的少数。



8、from the legal system to strengthen the protection of migrant workers rights, gradually standard labor market management system, give play to the advantage of trade unions and other nongovernmental organizations, and。

9、截止2001年, 许多雇主和协会承认他们以克制工资的形式来运行公司, 现在经济持续滑坡,许多公司需降低成本 他们开始寻求 延长“工作共享”方式的交易。

10、Unionized craftspeople are members of unions that are organized by construction trades, such as carpenter, plumber, and electrician unions, Union members will perform only the work assigned to their tradeDuring construction。


11、With regard to AAA and staff BBB who released complaint letters distributed leaflets in factory with incorrect informal contents, our Labor Unions invited management of factory and both of them for。


13、Highend customers money managers,Money Manager Village of Fengxian County, Jiangsu Province Liang Liang Zhaizhen Street Huashan Town, Fengxian County, Jiangsu Province Huashan Street Trade unions of workers and。

14、Singapore Airlines and pilots are often in dispute Singapore pilots union AlphaS is the only one refusing to obey orders issued by the government trade unions, wages and other issues often in contradiction。

15、Federation of Trade Unions and other related associations took active part in this plan and gave professional suggestions according to their ackownledge and prior experience,so as to improve employees#39 skills in。

16、being generally weak可以翻译为“普遍虚弱”重点单词weak英 wi#720k 美 wi#720kadj 虚弱的,无力的不牢固的懦弱的,无判断力的缺乏政治或社会影响力的,无权力的疲软的,萧条的不。



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