[stubborn造句]stubborn 造句
牛脾气的造句有老六的牛脾气很不分场合的上来了,犟劲上来和他爹也敢顶缸对牛弹琴,不如对羊弹,因为他不会有牛脾气牛脾气的造句有牛脾气更是认死理儿,抱住冷炎任由冷炎不断的用膝盖撞击他的胸腹,就是不松;3At the beginning, he was rather stubborn, bur finally he accepted our idea and changed his mind 一开始他很固执,但最后他还是接受了我们的想法,改变了他的主意 4At the beginning I paid little attention, but slowly。
With a stubborn insistence, learn to make dreams grow a little bit every day 九回忆真的是一件很可怕的事情,我感觉到包裹在心灵外面的那层已经变得坚固的壳在一点点破裂,心里很疼,因为这种柔弱被自己藏在一个阴暗的;英语obstinatestubbornpersist incling toadamancy obstinacypertinacitypersistence 详细释义 “ 固执 ”是不轻易改变自己的认识,坚持到底的意思它分褒义和贬义两层含义1褒义指坚持形容信仰。
造句 he has been my best friend since kindergarden 从幼儿园开始,他就一直是我最好的朋友most 最 造句you were the most stubborn kid i#39ve met while teaching 你是我教过的学生里 最 固执的一个;2 His pursuit of a young widow was so unrelenting he would be called a stalker today他锲而不舍地追求一位年轻的寡妇,时至今日还被称作跟踪者3 Many are stubborn in pursuit of the path they have。
6The shortcoming is that my sister is so stubborn that she can’t admit making a mistake and say that she has been admitted into Peking University表语从句sothatadmit doing sthbe admitted into sp 缺点是;stubbornobstinate 不轻易改变自己的认识,坚持到底 侍萍,你不要太固执mdashmdash 曹禺雷雨固执引证解释 1 坚持礼记middot中庸ldquo诚之者,择善而固执之者也rdquo汉书middot谷永。
1、1形容男生的英文词 handsome 英俊的 lovely,cute 可爱的 cool 酷的 nice 好的 kind,kindhearted 热心的 manly 有男人味的 fashionable 时尚的 pretty漂亮的多指超美丽的男孩,因为该词一般用于女性 sunshine 阳光的。
2、例句As you know,Adam is really a as stubborn as a mule众所周知,艾德姆这人很倔强,就像驴子一样顽固不化3It is well known that例句It is well known that what we called TRUE VALUE is just a。
3、n Student人名德施图登特 相关短语college student 大学生 university student 大学生 graduate student n 研究生毕业生 good student 好学生 foreign student 外国学生,外籍学生留学生 双语例句1 In 1978。
4、only good at learning, but also helpful 她说起话来不仅有条有理,而且颇有说服力,真是能让顽石点头! She speaks not only methodically, but also persuasively She can really make stubborn stone nod。
5、你口口声声说你多么爱你的老板,但接下来却说,你将用公司会破产的想法来自我安慰7stubborn This is non oily and does a nice job of removing eye makeup , even stubborn concealer This did not irritat。
6、is stubborn,and the other isselfish 这两兄弟经常吵架一个很固执,另一个则很自私5I call his behaviour mean and selfish。
7、形容彬彬有礼的成语 成语 温文尔雅 拼音 wēn wén ěr yǎ 解释 温文态度温和,有礼貌尔雅文雅形容人态度温和,举动斯文现有时也指缺乏斗争性,做事不大胆泼辣,没有闯劲 成语。
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