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The factory produces a full range of power cables,control cables, PVC cables and so on可根据客户不同的要求进行专业设计生产,年生产电缆电线过亿元We can also produce customized products according to various;a second level of wants appears clothing and some sort of shelter By the end of World War II these wants were satisfied for a great majority of Americans可知前面提到了第一和第二标准,所以。

D 考查固定短语A great many of需要去掉of,再加复数名词The major of去掉of加名词,表示主要的,重要的The majority,修饰复数名词时,要加of,表示的大多数A great many许多,大量所以选D;The First Day of A New Term It is a fine day todayAnd I will go to my new school,学校名字High SchoolI wish I could make many friends ,and have a great study experience,learn more things。

but they also spend a lot of time urging them to learn The great majority of parents expect that their children are able to go to prestigious universities As a result of the reform and opening up, an。

事实上,动物在它的环境中很危险,因为它要对生存和死亡做出决定这句话我觉得意译会好点直译的话就变成动物与它的环境在玩一个危险的决定生死的游戏 应该都可以理解的动物合理行为的能力在一定程度上被认为是我们;所以,很明显,地区之间存在著显著的差异可是,对遍布全国各地但作为一个整体的农业社区,这并不妨碍他们之间那股相当强烈的团结意识团结部分原因,是由于需要发挥出统一战线的功能,来与如政府或媒体等强大的利益团体周旋。


大部分人 most people most of the people,注意most前没有the我是英语教师,不明可问;a great majority of 表示“绝大多数”后接可数名词的复数。

3almost adv几乎差不多4nearly adv接近几乎差不多差点儿密切地亲密地5just about几乎,近乎,差不多6about the same差不多相同7a great majority of8just about rightenough;a great quantity of 也是可接两种情况 quot大量的quot除此之外 amounts of 和 quantities of 后接不可数时,其后的谓语动词都要用复数形式至于majority 只有 the majority of 表示quot的多数quot因为damage是不可数。

我认为教育对于人的一生和这个社会有着两方面的作用一个是在公共事业方面,一个是在文化方面教育应该使人变得更加高效,使人更加容易达到自己人生中的合法目标教育同样应该让人能够快速准确高效的思考问题因为敏锐;例2___colonial period,the great majority of Connect icutquotsettlers came from EnglandASince BThetime Cduringthe DItwas 解 答首先分析简化句子结构,变成,settlerscamefromEngland对主句主谓宾无关。


negro基本解释1名词黑种人,黑人2形容词黑人的negro例句1The great majority of negro youth are cityborn today 2He might have recovered from the scandal they say were he not a negro 3;lots of ,variour of ,a deal of,a mass of adjlarge numbers of plenty of adja number of adja good many adja great many adj。



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