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2、splash out 滥花钱,大手大脚地花钱 big day 直译为重大的日子,国外多指结婚日 as 不是重点,只是表示对比。

3、脏的英语句子带翻译 1 He#39d put his dirty laundry in the clothes basket 他会把自己的 脏 衣服扔进洗衣篮里2 Before entering the bathroom, he emptied his dirty laundry into the hamper 进浴室前。

4、Rain lashed the ground, the water splashing rain fly, a fan ying 27这时,雷声雨声风声搅和在一起,真是太可怕了,好像天就要塌下来似的 At this time, the thunder rain wind mix together, is really terrible, as if。

5、the WaterSplashing Festival with tourists翻译泼水节源于印度,随着佛教在傣族地区影响的加深,泼水节成为一种民族习俗流传下来,已经有数百年的历史了 到了节日,傣族男女老少穿上节日盛装,而妇女们则各挑一担清水为。

6、Songkran Festival 重点词汇释义 泼水节the WaterSprinkling Festival of the Dai and some other minority 问题三谁有英文的泼水节习俗介绍,要有翻译 Watersplashing Festival is the most characteristics festival。

7、害群之马翻译是a black sheepa black sheep 英 #601 bl#230k #643ip 美 e bl#230k #643ipn败家子,败类,害群之马 败群之马。

8、fault of the riverbed into the Rhinoceros Pool,where the water is made to surge with spray splashingSeen from afar,the cataract is shrouded in a gauzy mist,looking like a flickering mirage 望采纳,谢谢。


9、译文如下Watersplashing Festival is the most characteristics festival of the Dai ethnic The WaterSplashing Festival is in midApril and lasts three to five days People worship Buddha on this day, girls。

10、So i guess you just not splash around too much 所以我想你不会想要拨水吧 Waves were splashing around our feet seemed in caressing and inviting us 我摸著姥姥脸上很深的皱纹,心里很愧疚Hey pttle。

11、你好,很高兴为你解答泼墨三江 望采纳,谢谢。

12、and mixed with the voices of hundreds of thousands of people for help, people pulled down the fire burning housing together cries of force, save the sound of things, splashing water sounds Those who in thi。

13、在一个暴风雨的日子,螃蟹走在海滩上他很惊讶的看见龙虾准备开船开始航行“龙虾”螃蟹说,“在这样一个日子里去冒险太危险了”“也许吧”龙虾说,“但是我喜欢海上风暴” “我和你一块去”螃蟹说“我不会让你。


14、为你的生活赛跑 一项哈佛研究用长命联编练习 卷离床的美国人的群众,面对吼叫进入他们的短角羚之内下滑而且达 1 小时竞选狗,潜在的 muggers 和美国人的群众在他们的 Schwinn 10 上的相反方向中朝向 速度一定有时怀疑资讯。

15、East to buy horse, west to buy saddle, south to buy bridle, north to buy long whip Don#39t listen to the river, but smell the Yellow River splashing He quit the Yellow River and went to the top of。

16、74泼水节WaterSplashing Day 75馄饨Wonton 76花卷Steamed twisted rolls 77羊肉泡馍Pita Bread Soaked in Lamb Soup 78冰糖葫芦A stick of sugarcoated hawsor apples,etc79八宝饭Eight。



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