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Geldüberweisung Sie wird einzeln und bevorzugt bearbeitet Heutzutage ist der Zahlungsweg nicht mehr telegrafisch, beispielsweise per Telegramm oder Telex, sondern elektronisch und vergleichbar mit dem Online。

这么长的文章,难怪没人帮忙你翻译,人家要多有时间才彩你You do well in your jobEnglish is widely used in the worldI clean my room every day,The library in our school was built three years。


AsiaOnLine 亚洲线上 assembler language 汇编语言 AST 虹志电脑 asterisk * 星号 asynchronous 异步非同步 ATT, America Telephone Telegram 美国电话与电报公司 ATM, asynchronous transfer mode 异步传输方式 audio card 音效卡 audio。

As I see it, there is no need to panic over the popularity of online socializing Since the dawn of civilization, humans have been embracing new socialization methods Just like letters, telephones, telegrams。

On the one hand, these developments can be extremely positive Cooperation between people in different countries was much more difficult when communication was limited to written letters or telegrams Nowadays。

而在日本,NTT东日本和西日本仍然为当地民众提供电报服务,主要用于庆祝新人毕业,或丧礼治哀之用,而所传的电报,会按场合以特制的纸和信封印出在英国,英国电讯在2003年,将电报业务拆成一间小公司Telegram Online在部分发展中国家,电。


and more than 8,600 service centers providing postal and delivery service to the country#39s rural regions The company also offers online fax, telegram, and digital delivery services Altogether, Correos employs。

In the past, our main communication way is to write letters, telegrams and telephoneBut now, our main communication way is calling a mobile phone, email and text messages, chat onlineIn the past, our。

英语中的连词主要分为两类并列连词和从属连词并列连词用来连接平行的词词组或从句,从属连词常用来引导从句连接副词是从属连词的一种一并列连词 一常见的表示语义引申的并列连词有1 and Justice is on。


The videophone equipment is by the telephone, the pickup device, thetelevision reception graphic display device and the controller iscomposed The videophone telephone and the cable telegram telephoneequally are uses。



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