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1、Elle“每位个性十足而迷醉于风尚的时尚信徒,须人手一本”Sunday Telegraph Magazine“将150年来的时尚史中您想了解的每个品牌从A到Z排列这本不可或缺的完全手册完美地呈现超级名模时尚巨头设计大师和顶级摄;在“telegraph”“telephone”“television”“telegram”“telegraphic”和“telecommunication”等单词中,前缀“tele”表明它们都与“电视”“电信”有关显然,汉语中的“木”部与英语中的后缀“er” 以及前缀“tele”都有;development of the factory system, and important developments in transportation and communication including the steam engine and telegraph Other changes included agricultural improvements, a wider distribution of wealt;graph 书写的器具或结果 telegraph,phonograph nym 名字 anonymous,synonym haem,hem 血液 haematology,haemorrhage ortho 正确的,直立的 orthography,orthodox heli,helio 太阳 heliocentric,heliograph paleo 古,原始 paleolithic。


2、he left and began his journeyPhileas Fogg left London,travel around the earth,a national sensation,twenty prestigious newspapers scouted Mr Fogg,onlyquot the Daily Telegraphquot hesitatingly supportHe is not afraid;With the advances of modern society, information transmission and exchange of information more and more \ their re As In ancient times, pass through the flying magpie books, through war alarm, passing;The sparrow out of the window is talkative on the telegraph poleYou say that it has the feeling of the summerThe pencil in my hand comes up the return back in the paper I describe who you’ve become;英文Between genius and diligence, I do not hesitate to choose diligence翻译天才与勤奋之间,我毫不犹豫地选择勤奋原句是在天才和勤奋之间,我毫不犹豫地选择后者她几乎是世界上一切成就的催产婆爱因斯坦是;“I can laugh about it now,” Britain’s Telegraph newspaper quotes Taft, now a chemistry professor at St John’s University in New York, as saying “But if the Nazis had known who I really was, I;托马斯·阿尔瓦·爱迪生1847年2月11日1931年10月18日,出生于美国俄亥俄州米兰镇,美国发明家企业家Thomas Alva Edison February 11, 1847 October 18, 1931, was born in Milan, Ohio, USA, an。


3、1CD格式正统血脉 在大多数播放软件的“打开文件类型”中,都可以看到*cda格式,这就是CD音轨了标准CD格式也就是441K的采样频率,速率88K秒,16位量化位数,因为CD音轨可以说是近似无损的,因此它的声音基本上是。

4、telegram 电报 telegraph 电报机,电报 telepathy 心灵感应传心术 telephone 电话电话机 telephoto 传真照片传真电报 telesales 电话销售 telescope 望远镜缩叠式旅行袋 teletext 文字电视广播 television 电视,电视机电视;英文版更多的 #x2022Aerospace Alliant Techsystems, BAE Systems, Boeing, Northrop Grumman, Lockheed Martin, Raytheon40 Nippon Telegraph Telephone 91,99830 PricewaterhouseCoopers 41 HewlettPackard 91,65800 Ernst Young 42 I;安装打开以后默认的语言是英文,在输入框开头那小段输入+86 然后后面那个文本框输入你的号码再点击蓝色的箭头图标收到验证码以后填写进去就注册成功了纸飞机是一款俄罗斯人开发的通信软件,不论在线聊天还是打招呼都非常。




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