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peacefulsolution翻译-peace in the atomic age翻译


1、Here, I on the Syria situation to make the following four proposals, the practice is very simple, and is a peaceful way, both for the people of Syria or pay close attention to the situation of people;3, encountered things wrong, everyone should accommodate each other, do not mutually exclusive each other, to a peaceful solution to the best4, in peacetime, we should be with their classmates more exchanges;Whether peace and their negative emotions, is an important factor to decide our happiness奖惩方案并行,且将其用具体行动落实,才能更好使公众拥护这个行动Rewards and punishments solution in parallel, and with;solution 英s#601#712lu#643n 美s#601#712lu#643#601nn 溶液 解决 溶解 答案例句Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to;is not conducive to a peaceful solution to the Syrian crisisSouth African deputy President kgalema motlanthe, said on June 13, 2012, South Africa against similar model quot, quotIraq#39s unilateral action to solve;警告上面的诸多翻译均为机译,应不予采纳In the ,it is not very strict in controling of the gunsMany people have guns of their ownPerhaps,it is decided by the haigh rate of the crimes in。

2、让我们国家的条件,在plainest mannerbriefly ,他们是办事处有必要为商业交易的发明和完善高速垂直电梯,使旅行,这是一次冗长和痛苦的,现在很容易和舒适发展钢铁制造显示方式,以安全,僵化,经济建设上升到一个伟大的;the world public opinion A peaceful solution to the Hongkong problem, Hongkong is conducive to social stability and economic prosperity, but also conducive to the Chinese socialist modernization希望选为;参考资料不一定准,对不起a,只能供你参考以下1我名字当中的珺子在汉语中是美玉的意思,玉又是一种石头,那么珺字的象征和含义便透漏着我父母对我的期望,那就是希望我能够健康平安,并且能有一个好的相貌1The;解决,分解开,结果breakingsolutionopenfindingoutcomeuntwistingresultendissue暂无词性其他释义legislationintentionconclusionbackbonestability语源late Middle English from Latin resolution, from resolvere #39loosen, release#39 see resolve;To live separately may be a solution Conflicts could be decreased as they meet less and stay together less, in this thought ,it could be an effective solution But to solve this thoroughly, they need to。

3、4 our country to strictly abide by the five principles of Peaceful Coexistence mutual respect for sovereignty and territorial integrity, mutual nonaggression, noninterference in each other#39s internal affairs;This appears to be the most quotpeacefulquot solution, but may work out badly The guest might think the bathrobe was free and take one away every time he stays, which will incurr high cost on the Hotel;“The city does a lot for peaceful coexistence by building areas for dogs or providing bags for dog waste But dog owners must do their part as well and accept these offers,” said Sima西玛说“我们。

peacefulsolution翻译-peace in the atomic age翻译

4、1 We’re always hoping to work out a peaceful solution to the problem我们总希望用和平的方式解决问题 2 He can’t be still watching TV, because he has got a lot of homework to do他不能老看电视。

peacefulsolution翻译-peace in the atomic age翻译



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