他威胁说要报复我但他还没有这样做threatened是动词threaten的过去式threaten vt恐吓,威胁,预示危险,似有发生或来临的可能,可能来临 pay back 向报复,偿付借款等。
·threaten, intimidate 都指预先告知或给出即将到来的危险灾祸或伤害的迹象 ·Threaten 常指不安或不祥的征兆,有计划地或特意阻碍的外表或行动, 或危险的来源 “a crack that threatened to become a split” Booth。
threaten 的意思是 “威胁着警告”, 后面跟不定式表示警告时提出要做的事情例如~He threatened to punish us 他威胁说要惩罚我们。
threatenedbreach 威胁违约 双语例句 1 30 percent of reptiles, birds, and fish are currently threatened with extinction目前,30%的爬行动物鸟类和鱼类面临灭绝的危险2 The issue threatened to decouple Europe。
大恐惧王 魔术简介观众选择扑克牌中的任意一张,魔术师即能说出花色和点数魔术步骤1这副牌是预先准备好的首先记住点数口诀quotEight Kings Threatened To Save NinetyFive Queens For One Sick Knavequot这些话分别代表。
从文章第二段的句子 But doctors and the families of other ALD patients often refused to take them seriously They thought the efforts to find a cure were a waste of time,可知其他ALD的病人认为Lorenzo父母的。
作主句的谓语 这是一个由when引导的状语从句 When he received a very rude reply from one of the workmen ,he threatened remove them by force。
be threaten to 这个说法有点错误把,应该是be threatened to do sth被威胁做某事的意思 如对您有所帮助,请采纳。
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