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2、feel at 用手摸摸看 feel lonely 感到孤独,感到寂寞 例句 1How do you feel now?你感觉怎么样?2However you praise the film, I just feel it soso不管你怎么夸耀那部影片,可我觉得它不过尔尔3One ma。


4、1set英 set美 setn 一帮人一伙人尤指小集团,圈子 adj 固定的规定的商定的指定的准备好的 vt 小心翼翼地安放,安置使位于 例句Meals are at set times吃饭时间是固定的2。

5、much the same way3那你现在感觉如何 So how are you feeling?二1sensesensibilitysensation 动物及人体接受外界传来的及发自体内组织和器官的刺激之特性2be aware of feelperceive 觉得,认。

6、察觉的说法很多种,例如 check, I check the place abnormal 我察觉这地方不寻常。

7、记忆用心记如一首诗记忆 To find or reach by calculating找到,得到通过计算而找到或算出get a total can#39t get the answer算出总数不能找到答案 To perceive by hearing听清楚通过听的方法来。



9、短语 I Understand 我明白 我懂 听说 我理解 Now I understand 我终于读懂了 如今我才明白 hard to understand 不易懂的 费解 艰涩 不好懂 词语辨析 understand, recognize, perceive, learn。

10、we have motivation to fight for our life The opposite side of dream is reality, we have to face reality everyday, reality is what we perceive in our life Reality always frustrates us to be successful。

11、As I perceive this phenomenon, there is nothing wrong with idol worshiping inherently What matter are the aspects in which we admire them and to what extent it goes Even if a certain star always presents a good pu。

12、记住,一定要观后感,而不是奥运设想不是对话,是演讲稿!要是被采纳为,还可以给你加200分!求你们了!要快! 300个单词左右,写好了可以追加分!记住,一定要观后感,而不是奥运设想不是对话,是演讲稿!要是被采纳为最佳。

13、虽然你年纪越来越大,时间似乎也越走越快就像作者丹·艾瑞里在华尔街日报撰文解释的一样我们的岁数越是增长,生活就越倾向于变得一成不变所以,时间过得更快了We perceive time something like a stack of。


14、On the contrary, we are sad to perceive that Therefore, in my opinion, it is already high time for the whole world to form a solid cooperation fighting against , because not a single government or person can be。

15、how do you feel 你感觉如何 feel at 用手摸摸看 feel lonely 感到孤独,感到寂寞 例句 1How do you feel now?你感觉怎么样?2However you praise the film, I just feel it soso不管你怎么夸耀那部影片,可。

16、没有 是动词意识到,察觉 启人深思的thoughtprovoking profound有意义深远的意思。



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