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predecessors是前任的意思predecessonn 前任,前辈 网络 前任前辈前身 专业 前驱 计算机科学技术He inherited an impossibly difficult situation from its predecessors他从其前任手里接过了一个极为困难的。

predecessor 英#712prid#618ses#601r美#712pred#601ses#601rn前任,前辈原有事物,前身古祖先 例句Lefkofsky had some stern words for his cofounder and predecessor quot莱夫科。



所以第一句的第二并列部分宜改为and always consulted with predecessor in an open mind3apply是行为动词,不需要助动词do来构成过去式,所以第二句宜改成He also pay much attention to applying accountancy theory。


Compared to their classical predecessors, these newer art forms are freer, more experimental, more improvisational5我们不确定我们能多完整地重现旋律或节奏,因为它们显然在很多情况下是即兴创作的We are not sure how。

翻译The pupil outdoes the master 但青出于蓝而胜于蓝Excel the predecessors 我们要像父辈一样优秀,就必须青出于蓝胜于蓝To be as good as our fathers and mothers , we must be better庄子继承了老子的衣钵,并。


我完全同意楼上的说法,每次我辛苦翻译完,都是该问题已经关闭,我气愤阿严厉打击机器翻译要我翻译给我留言 确认了,再给我分1 本人打算认真吸取国内外专家们目前研究成果里的精华部分,将它们整理归纳,再融合自己。

I deeply feel that the best students to work with me in the competition to benefit to the challenges of the practical difficulties, let me grow up in frustration Predecessors taught me hard work, dedication。

give love to ourselves and other peopleIf you think of others everyehere,you and I will get much moreTo gain and give are both happyPlease treasure everything given by our predecessors希望能帮上你喔。

next time,and the percentage of success will be bigger as wellMoreever it was sum up by the predecessors and has been prove,so I agree with the opinion that the failure is the mother of success。

have pay much attention to the heavy metal pollution problem of the soilplant system, and the tolerance mechanism of plants to heavy metals becomes the one of the hotspots There are countless predecessors。

About this issue problem,different people have different opinions,but my point is more important than intelligenceexperienceFirst,no experience with,like Newton said,if I may see farther than others some,it is。

efficient distribution, a successful end use in 1882, the light bulb, and a competitive price A model of efficiency for its time, Pearl Street used onethird the fuel of its predecessors, burning about。

西奥多·德莱塞Theodore Dreiser,1871~1945,美国小说家生于印第安纳州特雷霍特镇父亲是贫苦的德国移民他在公立学校接受了早期教育,以后进印第安纳大学学习一生的大部分时间从事新闻工作走遍芝加哥匹兹堡纽约等。



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