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[astronautintheocean歌词翻译]astronaut in the ocean歌词翻译


quotbut i thought the old lady dropped it into the ocean in the endquotquotwell baby, i went down and got it for youquotquotoh, you shouldn#39t havequotoops!i did it again to your heart got lost in this game;On 21 July, Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon7月21日,尼尔·阿姆斯特朗 Neil Armstrong成为第一个在月球上行走的人The astronaut in the pictures of the first moon landing isn#39t。

你好我所找到的关于你的标题astronaut takes historic walk in space的是一篇新闻报道,我将其全文翻译了,望对你有帮助In this video grab taken on Saturday, September 27, 2008 from China Central;1Chinese astronaut中国宇航员2taikonaut中国太空人俩者都有中国宇航员的意思只不过Chinese astronaut比较正式一点,多用于书面语句taikonaut则更多应用于口语。

[astronautintheocean歌词翻译]astronaut in the ocean歌词翻译

astronaut in the ocean歌词翻译

1、Astronaut Yeah, Yes it is Britney But I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end Astronaut Well, baby, I went down and got it for you Britney Oh。

2、B 此题考查冠词的基本用法,不定冠词有a和an两种a用于辅音音素开头的词前,an用于元音音素开头的词前。

3、In the search for someone else Who doesn#39t look right through meIt#39s all just static in my head Can anybody tell me why I#39m lonely like a satellite?#39Cause tonight I#39m feeling like an astronaut Sendi。

4、Simple Plan Astronaut Can anybody hear me?是否还有人能听到我的呐喊 Or am I talking to myself?可能只是我在自言自语 My mind is running empty 思绪变得越来越空虚 In the search for someone else 正在试着搜寻。

歌名:Astronaut in the ocean


dropped it into the ocean in the endquotquotwell baby, i went down and got it for youquotquotoh, you shouldn#39t havequotoops!i did it again to your heart got lost in this game, oh baby oops!you think。

Take another look right in my eyes My first love, broke my heart for the first time And now I#39m like Baby, baby, baby hoo I#39m like Baby, baby, baby hoo I#39m like Baby, baby, baby hoo I thought。

[astronautintheocean歌词翻译]astronaut in the ocean歌词翻译

As we fall in Falling like the twins Through Saturn#39s holy rings And if they can#39t hold us Where it#39s gonna end up ?Anybody knows !An astronaut An astronaut An astronaut。

MoonDust By Jaymes YoungI#39m building this house on the moon 若我此刻建筑房屋,门牌月球静伫 Like a lost astronaut 于迷航后寻些幸福,不让余生虚度 Looking at you, like a star 远方星光无数,是你曼妙起舞。

n宇航员航天员太空人 一宇航员 1I can be a doctor, I can be an engineer, I can be an astronaut我可以是医生,我可以是工程师,我可以是宇航员2This is the first astronaut这是第一个宇航员。

AstronautYeah, Yes it is BritneyBut I though the old lady dropped it into the ocean at the end AstronautWell, baby, I went down and got it for you BritneyOh, you shouldn#39t have Oops, I did it。



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