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1、telescope `tZl#601#716skop ˋt#1108liskoup可数名词 望远镜 a binocular 双眼望远镜 look at stars through with a 用望远镜看星 及物动词 1 使 像望远镜筒般 嵌入,使套叠。

2、telescope `tZl#601#716skop ˋt#1108liskoup可数名词 望远镜 a binocular ~双眼望远镜 look at stars through with a ~用望远镜看星 及物动词 1 使 像望远镜筒般 嵌入,使套叠。

3、The invention of the achromatic lens in 1733 partially corrected color aberrations present in the simple lens and enabled the construction of shorter, more functional refracting telescopes Reflecting telescopes, though not limit。

4、Through telescopes, we can even see hundreds of millions of stars and planets。

5、1在这儿望远镜这个单词是指所有的望远镜,不只是这一架望远镜有这个功能2everything是强调个体,但这个地方的语法是make sbsth do sth,所以用动词原型do,也就是look3是做宾语everything的补充说明,所以是做宾。


6、quotComputer Science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopesquot E W Dijkstr no morethan 不 也不,than在这里跟no more是固定搭配计算机客户不仅仅只是关于计算机就跟天文学不仅。


8、Beginning in the 1990s, Ghez and Genzel each led teams that used telescopes to peer at the center of the Milky Way They were measuring the orbits of stars that zip around the galaxy’s heart Those。

9、That capability is called radio astronomy and involves single radio telescopes,collections or arrays of radio telescopes,sensitive radio detectors,advanced computers for processing received data,and the imagination and skill of。

10、易混淆的单词LENSlens 以下结果由 金山词霸 提供 柯林斯高阶英汉词典 网络释义 1NCOUNT透镜镜片A lens is a thin curved piece of glass or plastic used in things such as cameras, telescopes, and pairs of。

11、Telescopes are used by astronomers, and microscopes are used by biologists and doctors 天文学家使用望远镜,生物学家和医生使用显微镜 These appliances are used in the kitchens of almost every home 这些电器几乎家家户户的。


12、这句话的主语是the development,谓语是has given,间接宾语astronomer,直接宾语hope,然后hope后面又跟了一个同位语从句glipses of distant solar system bodies even smaller than pluto will soon be possiblyof telescopes of。

13、visible 前面可以看成是省去了 it is ,如果补上,原句可以写成It is visible that Pluto has a yellowish color,= That Pluto has a yellowish color is visible only through large telescopes,由此可见,visible。

14、Cameras, telescopes, spectacles, otherElectronic, mechanical partsPrinted circuit boards, electrolytic capacitors, variable resistors, crystal oscillator, sensors, LED, LCD, heads, relays, connectors, micromotors, transformers。




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