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[strikingly什么意思]striking suddenly



strikingly adv醒目地, 引人侧目地。

Sstrikingly是营销序列其他职务的英语董事长Chairman of the Board总经理General Manager GM副总经理Assistant Manager 部门主管Department Chief, Director, Supervisor财务部经理Manager of Finance。

#720rsladj 普遍的,全世界的,宇宙的,全体的,通用的 n 通用原理,普遍原则 例句Music has been called the universal language翻译人们称音乐为世界的语言短语strikingly universal 显然有普遍意义。

evidently, distinctly, patently, clearly, noticeably, obviously, plainly, blatantly, manifestly, conspicuously, strikingly “表面上看,可能地,可行地”释义下的同义词pretendedly, conceivably, seemingly, professedly。

能否回答的专业系统点,有点搞不清楚呀提问提问Mmanage是管理序列Pprofession是专业序列 比如财务人力资源等Ttechnology是技术序列,诸如工程师等Sstrikingly是营销序列回答s里又分为。

adv看来显然似乎 一读音英 #601#712par#601ntli,美 #601#712p#603r#601ntli二例句1He went to join his apparently complaisant wife for Christmas他去陪他那貌似柔顺。

[strikingly什么意思]striking suddenly

“斑马”的英语zebra,读音#712zebr#601zebra 英 #712zebr#601 美 #712zibr#601n斑马adj有斑纹的短语 1Leptobotia zebra 斑纹薄鳅 2Zebra Mbuna 斑马拟丽鱼 3Ap。

adj 变异的 不同的,相异的,不一致的 多样的 易变的,不定的网络 变体型 变体 变量例句The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra斑驴是一种极美丽的斑马变种其他。

anticlimax1the usually sudden transition in discourse from a significant idea to a trivial or ludicrous idea also an instance of this transition 突然降温 2an event,period,or outcome that is strikingly。

argument expected 争论的预期 双语对照 例句1If the court#39s decision had been broadly expected, this was a strikingly liberalargument如果当时法庭的决议被广泛接收,这将会是一场声势浩大的关于自由的辩论2I。

[strikingly什么意思]striking suddenly

strikingly adv醒目地,引人侧目地 斐然可观英#39stra#618k#618#331l#618美#39stra#618k#618#331l#618。

strikingly different circumstanced 是英文短语 翻译为中文是在不同环境下引人注目地 做某事其中单词strikingly 是副词, 意思是 醒目地,引人侧目地 different circumstanced 意思是 在不同的情况下的。

strikingly意思是显著地,突出地,引人注目地短语 strikingly different 明显不同 strikingly handsome 帅得令人发指 strikingly apparent 极清晰的 极其明显的 例句1She#39s strikingly goodlooking她非常漂亮2The。

双语例句1The quagga was a strikingly beautiful variant of the zebra斑驴是一种极美丽的斑马变种2This is a model zebra这是一个斑马模型3When I got to the zebra crossing,traffic light当我到了。

identical twins英ai#712dentik#601l tw#618nz美a#618#712d#603nt#618k#601l tw#618nzn全等双生,同卵双生 identical twin的名词复数 医 单卵性双胎例句1But。



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