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This desk set was rescued by the present owner from being thrown away by a storage facility in Phoenix, Oregon It is now part of the Christianson Telephone Collection 1900 Stromberg CarlsonTapered Shaft Desk Set This;点击右上方放大镜标识,然后输入要显示的群聊,群聊就出来了Telegram电报是一个跨平台的即时通信软件,它的群组免费支持20万人加入,无需付款扩充,是微信的200倍。

我收到一封从纽约来的电报We receive a fax of the order this morning我们今天上午收到一份传真订单Do you save letters and cards that you receive from friends and relatives?您有收藏您所收到的朋友的和亲人;没有软条款,不过需要你们支付的费用很多,电汇费,电报费等都要你们支付里面还规定了贴现条款,开证行可以在接到远期汇票时立即付款,贴现费按照伦敦银行间拆放利率15%计算,因为是否贴现需要你们向开证行提出要求,估计。

一电话的英语为phone 1英 f#601#650n 美 fo#650n2n 电话耳机,听筒 3vt 打电话 4vi 打电话 5n Phone人名老缅蓬 二短语 1cell phone 手机 移动电话;1 此次报盘以我方实接11月30日星期五下午三点前最后确认到达我方为有效This offer from us is a firm one which is effective if we receive your final comfirmation before 3pm,Friday,30 November2 订货数量。

at this timenowdue to the fact thatbecausea draft in the amount of $1000a draft for $1000六Concreteness 具体七Correctness 正确 常用客套语句? 01Please accept our thanks for the trouble you have;On the first of February, we intend to begin unrestricted submarine warfare In spite of this, it is our intention to endeavour to keep the United States of America neutralIn the event of this not。

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n 电报, 电传打字机 用户直通, 自动电传打字电报 电报用户直通电路 自动电传打字机电报机。

电报this channrl can't be

1、12 This cafeteria serves good honest food这家食堂供应很好的普通饭菜13 He#39s let himself go since Cage died自从凯奇死后,他变得不修边幅了14 Rosa traded seats with Cage罗莎和凯奇对换了座位15 Would。


3、true在编程语句中代表1或大于1的数,反之false代表0或nulltrue表示真,在计算机中存储为1所以上面会输出“this is true但是如果把里面的true改为大于等于1的数字,仍然会输出“this is true”关于true和false的运算,参见关。


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1、We have this day drawn the following bill of exchange on your esteemed firm No123, $500,000, payable at sight 遵照贵方指示,我们已于本日向田中公司开出见票后60日付款的面额元汇票一张,费用包括在内 We have。

2、Bell never set out to invent the telephone and what he was trying to design was a multiple telegraph 贝尔并非一开始就想要发明电话的,他本来想设计的东西是多路电报 This original telegraph sent a message over。

3、Morse gave the first human history telegram quot God created a miracle how! quotgive 读音英 ɡ#618v 美 ɡ#618vv给交给赠送赠与送给为某人提供,供给,供应 n伸展性弹性 第三。

4、为您解答 It was to Maury of the US Navy that the Atlantic Telegraph Company turned,in 1853,for information on this matter问题一in 1853之前这句是什么结构为什么这么写turn放最后,to放在最前回答 除去。

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